
Cattle farming can be a profitable business as long as you are providing more to the industry while keeping your expenses controlled. Providing healthy meat to the beef industry can ensure great profits for you. However, maintaining healthy production in the market can be challenging. 

Cows and bulls are animals that, like all other living beings, are prone to sickness and malnutrition. When your herd is malnourished, your business might see a dip very soon. If you want to raise healthy and happy cows at your farm, here are some essential tips that you should keep in mind. 

1. Inspect The Herd Regularly

When you are managing a cattle farm, you have to be very responsible about every individual cow you have. Make sure that you inspect the herd regularly and thoroughly. Regular inspection will help you identify a sick cow or calf immediately. 

Isolating the sick animal from the herd can help you avoid spreading infectious diseases. Secondly, you can diagnose the illness and start the treatment immediately. Quick response against any disease can help you keep your animals healthy and safe. 

2. Keep Good Relations With The Local Vet

You should have a good understanding of the local veterinary doctor. This means that you call them regularly to check your cattle. Make sure that you invest in the treatment plans and medicines that your vet has recommended.  This way you can build a good bond with the doctor. 

If you are not familiar with your local vet, you might have to suffer if your animals get sick in the middle of the night. If you have good relations with the veterinary doctor, you can ask for their services any time of the day. 

3. Invest In Quality Food And Feeders

Malnourishment is often the leading reason behind unhealthy cows and bulls. If you want your beef to be healthy and well-fed then invest in hay feeding systems that provide equal food for each head. 

Most cows are malnourished because of competing fellows at the feeder. If every cow is having a fair share of fodder, it will be healthy. Therefore, you should have an efficient feeding station built on your farm. 

4. Minimize Exposure To Germs

To keep your cattle healthy, make sure that you minimize exposure to disease-causing germs to your cattle. Most animals get sick because of water-borne diseases. Make sure that the drinking water is clean and pure. You should also make sure that the water tank is mold-free. Clean it regularly. 

Moreover, develop a system of adding new members to the herd in such a way that you do not risk existing animals. You never know if the new animal is properly vaccinated or not. Introduce them to the herd only when you are sure. 

5. Ensure Timely Vaccination

You should make sure that you vaccinate the calves timely to avoid getting them sick. Young ones need special attention when they are born. Make sure that you provide a sanitized place for birthing. 

You should also make sure to deform your cattle at the right time.